Led Selection

When you enter menus like Color Select, Pattern Select, or Randomizer, all of the LEDs will change to magenta.

This is the ALL LEDs option. Cycle to see different options and select which LEDs you want to change. The changes you make in these menus will only affect the LEDs that were selected when you entered the menu.

Demonstration of LED Selection

Below is a simple demonstration of how LED selection works. The squares represent the LEDs on your device. You can click the “Next LED” button to move the selection to the next LED.

Led Selection Options

Because each device has a different number of LEDs with a different LED layout, Each device has an unique set of options in LED selection. Here are a few of the available options:

-ALL LEDs: Selects all LEDs at once for use with all patterns.

-MutliLED: Selects all LEDs at once for use with MultiLED patterns.

-LED Group: These groups vary the most from device to device. They allow targeting premade groups of LEDs such as Odd LEDs or Even LEDs.

-Single LED: This allows the targeting of a single LED and can be used to customize each LED independantly.