Basic Usage

When a Vortex device is first turned on it will always start on the first Mode.

You can think of a mode as the colorful blinking pattern that is playing on the leds.

Some devices have more modes than others, but each device is able to access all the modes and enter menus using the navigation buttons.

Menus allow you to program your device, such as changing the colors, blinking patterns, brightness, or even transferring modes to other devices.

There are three ways to use the navigation buttons on your device: short clicks, long clicks, and holds

  1. A short click is like saying ‘next please’, to cycle through options
  2. A long click is like saying ‘this one please’, to select an option
  3. And finally, holds are primarily used to open the menus

Some devices have a 2nd navigaion button. A long click on this button is like saying ‘nevermind’, and returns to displaying modes.

Almost everything can be achieved with only short and long clicks.

Now that you understand the basics of controlling your vortex device, try holding the navigation button till the leds start alternating white blinks. This is how the menus are opened, continue reading more over at The Menus