
A colorset in the Vortex Engine is a list of colors that is used in conjunction with a Pattern to produce different effects on the LEDs.

How are Colorsets used?

Colorsets are used in combination with Patterns to create Modes. The Pattern determines the way the LEDs blink, and the Colorset determines which colors are displayed on each blink.

This means that by changing the Colorset, you can dramatically change the appearance of a Mode, even if the Pattern remains the same.

Some patterns are creative with how the colorset is applied, for example some patterns will pull the first color out of the colorset and treat it differently from the rest.

The key point to understand is that the user to chooses a set of colors and the pattern to determins how it is used.

How many colors can a Colorset have?

A colorset can have up to 8 colors. Keep in mind that some modes and patterns may look best with fewwer colors, while others may appear better with many colors.

It’s up to the user to mix and match and decide which combination they prefer.

How do I create a Colorset?

Creating a Colorset involves selecting the colors you want to include in the order you want them to be displayed. In all Vortex Devices you can adjust the colorset by entering the Color Selection Menu.